Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gingerbread In Fridge

Daredevil - Marvel Minimates

Il y a quelques mois, débarquait en France la ligne Marvel Noir dont le principe et de transposer les super-héros de la Maison des Idées dans les années 30 imprégné d'une ambiance polar. Après Spider-man, les X-men et Wolverine, c’est au tour de Daredevil de traverser le temps pour l’époque de la prohibition.

Pour DD en Specifically, the concept does not promise a great change of scenery as the hero of the series is blind to the base already dark. Yet the challenge of achieving an independent and interesting conceptual history in only 4 chapters is no mean feat. So how is doing Alexander Irvine, the author of this 100% Marvel: Daredevil Black? That's what we'll see.

Matt Murdock would have wanted to be a lawyer but the social environment in which it is derived does not allow him to study. Instead, he works for a private detective, a Foggy Nelson. Petit, he witnessed the murder his father, boxer too proud to fake his fights by a mobster. The same mobster who during the assault made the blind boy. Strangely, his blindness has developed in his other senses. His talents were first pushed toward the stage drama offering the public a show where he wore a devil costume before finding his vocation as a vigilante Hell's Kitchen neighborhood played by two gang leaders Orcille Halloran and Wilson Fisk. One day, Matt's life will be upset when Eliza, a femme fatale in distress, will enter the office of his boss to ask for help.

Irvine is known around the world literary expert and his pen is worthy of its reputation. The story is well put together, and the treatment of characters is neat. Fisk particular is more manipulative than ever and the role of SCS Foggy Nelson is pleasant to read. Clichés and allusions in relation to the 30s are properly exploited. The story also provides us with the suspense identity of the mysterious killer to the target. " The winks are waiting for you as you might expect and the author gives us a hint of humor in a significant scene where Matt goes to church to confess.
The next chart provided by Tomm Coker is also well made. A realistic style and dark, a recipe that has made the success of the regular series and is ideally suited to the genre. The artist adds many points on his drawings thus recalling the first colorized comics like in "The Golden Age " of Maleev (besides the two illustrators have a style very close to each another) by cons colorization, it remains a modern setting rather original cocktail. It was also felt that the narrative is typed in write highlighting this key "old school".
Small flat in contrast to the covers placed awkwardly twice in the middle of a scene, which can spoil the fun of reading.

In conclusion, nothing gained for successful adaptation though too short, which will delight fans of head horns and thriller fans.


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