Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cat Diabetic Accidentally Gave Myself Insulin

Rubric Turk

Février, le run d’ Andy Diggle sur Daredevil arrive en France. Les échos de celui-ci et en particulier de son crossover urbain Shadowland n’étant pas très flatteurs, bien au contraire, ça ne pouvait qu’inspirer notre bon vieux Turk Barrett sur sa désormais réputée rubrique !!

Hé vous know the most crappy adventure Daredevil? No! Ok I speak to you but I trust you, it does not come out of the walls of this blog! Come near me because of you ...


I was leaving the bar quietly Josie mode "honest citizen" when suddenly this stupid Daredevil kidnapped me and took me into sewers of the city. When he finally drag me right to the left of this stinking labyrinth, I witnessed an incredible spectacle trash!

There, in addition to DD, there was Punisher, Ghost Rider , Moon Knight, Spider-Man , Luke Cage and his buddy Iron Fist but Elektra, Bullseye of this crazy and even the Kingpin (p'tain the boss) and others I do not know. And believe me or not but with all these people, Daredevil had organized an evening Skato! Imagine my amazement

, my disgust and trauma! I was forced to watch but not participate thank you God! One moment I could not help myself, I Diggle sur moi !

A la fin quand même, j’ai compris pourquoi j’étais là et appris qu’il n’y a pas de sot métier !

Enfin voilà amis frenchies, vous voilà prévenu sur la consistance (fécale) du run de Diggle qui vous attend, à bon entendeur !!


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