Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cody Dawson Corbin Fisher

Foggy Nelson in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Episode 2

Following the incongruous crossover that offers us a meeting arranged between Foggy Nelson and ninja turtles. Well exactly, it is time for both sides to get acquainted. An episode where the puns are the holidays.
Bienvenue chez les cht’arbés

Après que Maître Splinter ait convaincu Foggy Nelson de leur venir en aide face à la menace que représente l’armée de Krang pour leur monde, il pria ses élèves de se présenter comme il se doit à l’élu. Ses élèves s’exécutèrent en ayant à cœur de faire à leur hôte, une démonstration de leur technique de combat propre à chacun d’eux :
« - Salut, je suis Leonardo, ma couleur est blue. I am the leader of the ninja turtles and I wield the katana aya!
- Yo, Michelangelo me is, I wear orange, I love stuff yourself and have a nunchaku!
- Hello, my name Donatello, dressed all in purple, I'm the MacGyver of the band and in my spare time, I flatten my opposition with a bo!
- Finally, I am Raphael, sarcastic wish, I have a penchant for red and sai!
- Hi guys, delighted me, Foggy Nelson's lawyer. I am fond of modeling with a strong preference for models in matches and I also collect stamps with kittens on it! "In his words
short on revelation about the power of elected Master Splinter explained to him that it would be a great privilege for his followers to measure all that they saw as their messiah. Things are presented as well, Foggy could not deny his great regret.

During the fight that ensued, which lasted less than a minute in which the ninja turtles gave themselves 200%, our hapless heroes lost 3 teeth, a big toe and the temporary use of the entire right side of his body .

The wise rat mutant in kimono would not believe it. He could not bring himself to say that his children had the wrong person and that everything was now hopeless. He went to bed Foggy, the whole right side of his body cast, an eye patch on his face in agony after the beating he had just monumental to take. He brought in recovering a steaming cup of tea which the liquid was of a pinkish color uncommon.

"- Oh thank you Master of the tea that's nice of you.
- This is not the tea boy, it's mutagen.
- From what?
- A chemical that has made me and my students, what we are. I was able to recover and preserve what is in that container. Contact with this liquid would be enough to turn you into a mutant. I give everything I have, I'm sure it could help you fulfill your destiny.
- Oh, softly hairy, how it works your magic potion?
- It's written on the record, I'll read it:
"The mutagenic properties of this transformation is all living in mutant whose body comes from the DNA of the last living things with which the subject was told been in contact. "
Thus, turtles, who had been in contact with me, became turtles with humanoid characteristics and size. As for me, who lived among rats long time, but that's another story, and I became a humanoid rat.
- Oh no not that! Remove it to me right away under my nose, I ate oysters at dinner!? "
an abrupt gesture with his hand, swept the cup Foggy chemical Splinter hands. The cup fell back on the sheets already in the unfortunate mess. The two men cried out simultaneously, one of pain, scalded, the other from anger, dépité. Quand tout à coup, le drap du lit s’anima, prenant la forme qu’on connaît aux fantômes d’histoires pour enfants. La forme flotta dans les quatre coins de la chambre avant de s’arrêter devant les deux êtres qui se turent de stupéfaction. Le drap fantôme prit la parole « Bonjour, je m’appelle Latan, Charles Latan ! » avant de traverser le mûr et de disparaître pour toujours. On ne sut jamais si le nom du drap faisait allusion à la profession de Foggy ou de la prétention qu’il soit l’élu. Or, une fois le fantôme parti, nos deux héros reprirent leur cri plaintif. Foggy se faisait passer un savon mais n’y prêtait aucunement attention. It focused on the unbearable burning sensation.

Suddenly, it literally took fire! Not that he was a victim of spontaneous combustion, but it became a real human torch. He then took off, leaving its passage up the skull of the Master catch fire, it finally posting a satisfied smile in front of what looked like the manifestation of the powers of the elected! Foggy flying during this beautiful summer night in the cloudless sky of New York. The turtles were out on the surface and watch the show. To impress the crowd, our lawyer tried to draw the Fantastic 4 logo as is often Johnny Storm but from his allies was not very similar.
"- what he writes?
- I dunno, it sounds Chinese.
- it looks more like the finger right?
- Not at all, abstract art, you know nothing guys! "

After two hours, Foggy finally arose, he took human form, his new friends went home and went to bed. He was exhausted but also very excited by the new powers it had acquired, especially since he realized that the fire had purified and recovered from his injuries. Guests also went to sleep, reassured about the capabilities of their reinforcement of choice.

the morning.

Foggy Nelson woke up at 9am, with its habit of office hours. He was very hungry. So he left to join his comrades to share breakfast.
Ninja Turtles and Master Splinter were already there at the table. They already engulfed at that early hour, slice of pizza and drank, which was more circumstance, coffee. Foggy had been served but he felt himself suddenly assaulted by an odor des plus repoussantes. Il fit mine de se renifler les aisselles avant d’interroger son voisin :
« - Dit Michelangelo, qu’est ce qu’il y a sur vos pizza ?
- à ça, c’est un fromage ch’ti qui vient du nord de la France, le mariole, le mari à poile, un truc comme ça.
- Le mari à poile ? Qu’est ce que c’est que ça ? Demanda l’avocat intrigué.
- C’est du maroilles rectifia Léonardo, c’est un fromage qui schlingue un petit peu fort, tu veux goûter ?
- Non refusa vivement l’homme en rentrant sa tête en arrière.
- Tu as tord, c’est moins fort dans le goût que l’odeur explained Master Splinter. Foggy
not want to offend his hosts drop one of his very special slice of pizza, his grin was very explicit about his views.
- It's good eh? Donatello launched.
- Oh! It's as hard once inside the Foggy caught himself.
- that's why the pizza dipped in coffee, it softens added Raphael. "Foggy

felt now accepted within the team, so he decided to dress like his brothers in arms. He made two holes in his gray tie and tied it around his head. Then he cut with scissors his trousers of the same color to make them shorts and used his excess fabric to bend the knees, elbows and wrists. Donatello was even trying to make him a golden belt buckle in which he engraved the letter "F" and a wooden shell that can be worn as a backpack.

If D'Artagnan was in his time the fifth musketeer, Foggy in the same manner became the fifth ninja turtle! When he introduced himself and revamped, everyone seemed pleasantly surprised.
"- Wow is not to say you make a great turtle Michelangelo exclaimed my friend.
- I would say more "Watch this Franklin the turtle! "Raphael said sarcastically.
- All right guys, stop the turtle-rer sympathizes poor Leonardo. "

" Hi everyone! "Before the astonished eyes of a young woman appeared Foggy red-haired half-times. She wore a yellow jumpsuit and white boots and everyone here seemed familiar.
"- April Oh no, I beg you not now, you know that the situation is serious complained Leonardo.
- But who is this lovely young woman? Cut avocado seduced. I am running Foggy Nelson, but you can call me Franklin, can I do for you uh miss?
- April O'Neil, a reporter for Channel 6, that you elected? Tell me what roles do not weigh too heavily on the shoulders? How do you overcome Krang's army? You have a plan Franky uh? Assaulted she armed with a pen and a notepad that which made him the way. "

face questioning, Foggy thought back to his best friend and what happened to him when the Daily Globe divulged that Daredevil was . At the outset, he was seized with panic.
"No, no, you're wrong, I'm not elected. Objection your honor, there are procedural. I ask pardon, not me, this is Matt Murdock cunt ! My God, I do not want to be disbarred and end my days with Ryker's Carnage as cellmate! "
He ended in tears in the arms of April (the devil!) The reporter watched the ninja turtles with an air that seemed hopeless asked" Where you found this freak? And they answered with a look which was saying "We know, we know ..."

Then, suddenly, April received a blow phone. The young woman got rid of her by hitting her ball kicked in the teeth. Thus, it could respond to his call.
"" Hello ...? what? Are you sure? Yes Chief, you go right now ... Ok the guy was Burne Thompson said "my balls," my boss, it goes wrong, Krang goes on the attack, the invasion has begun, should not being dragged! "

To be continued ...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Average Price Of Ambulance Ride

Foggy Nelson in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Complete Series Exclusive Minimates Marvel

A crossover crazy where you have to expect anything.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Plaid Acrylic Sealer Can Ingredients

- Zombie Zombie Giant Man & Daredevil

Le mois dernier, je vous parlais des figurines Minimates de Diamond Select Toys à l’effigie de héros de cinéma, de séries TV, de jeux vidéo ou encore de comics. Après le Daredevil en lambeaux, j’ai craqué pour le DD version « Marvel Zombies .

In short, Marvel Zombies is a mini-series that takes place in a world parallel to the ground 616, in which a virus has turned all the superhero zombies cannibals and you guessed that Daredevil and Giant- man have not escaped this scourge.

I will not deny that Minimates figures are very difficult to obtain in the hex then the exclusive series of Marvel Minimates, I can not tell you! Fortunately, I was fortunate to find a professional English on ebay who sold the said series, new and at a very affordable price (I got it for under 15 euros with shipping while some French pro Minimates sell a lot more money without shipping costs!). So what about this lot exclusive?

Zombie Daredevil
Overall, our head of cattle is very successful undead. And then, the attention to detail plays a role. His mouth reveals terrifying teeth, his costume is covered from head to toe signs of wear and above all it is hard to miss the massive hole that Matt was in the middle of the belly. Superb effect achieved through a transparency effect well thought out. The abbreviation SD is not present, one sees just a few ribs and one wonders how well boned, the beast may well stand, and that reflects a serious work, the gaping hole was not omitted the back of the figurine.
Regarding the face / mask, Zombie version is very different from the Battle Damaged Daredevil. Indeed, unlike the latter, it is almost impossible to remove the mask zombie, not that it tries to eat your fingers, but the mask has a stake in a house that sinks hole in the skull monster (the poor, thankfully qu’il ne ressent plus la douleur !), ayant un point d’appui très mince, à tous les coups, on enlève la tête au lieu du masque. Moi-même je me suis « amusé » des jours, armé d’une pince à épiler pour pouvoir découvrir le visage de la Minimate, agacé à la fois de ne pas y arriver et du risque bien réél d’abimer ma nouvelle acquisition. Et là étonnement le visage du zombie est plus complet que la version vivante car cette fois, Matt a gagné des cheveux et des oreilles. On lui découvre également un regard effrayant avec des petits yeux blancs sans rétine.
Enfin, comme tous les Minimates Daredevil, la figurine a droit à ses two batons bound.

Zombie Giant Man
It could have been a good thing to have two figures of heroes that do not coexist in the Marvel universe except that given the treatment which failed to have the right Minimate, this is to be a real disappointment. His mask for example, does not withdraw because it is part of his head. That said, we did not find it necessary to point of articulation on the neck, the result, we can not even move the head of the figurine. It does not accessory, the manufacturer could at least make the effort to propose a figure larger than the base size, but not giant is definitely not up to par. Moreover, his suit with red predominates does not stand out enough from that of his fellow undead.

Ultimately, an exclusive series of macabre sympathetic whose centerpiece is Daredevil and Giant Man which provides the bare minimum. And next, I promise to choose a Minimate DD great! I am tempted to suit varying versions, for info, yellow and gray exist ...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How Long To Smoke Deer Sausage

Translation of a fanfiction

Today I suggest you read a fanfiction on Daredevil, as you know the fandom is very rarely used in VF, I decided to translate a DD on fics written in English. "Dear Mattie " comes therefore ComicNerd which we discover at the same time as Matt a very moving letter that comes from his late father and is not without reminding us of the one-shot Battlin 'Jack Murdock.
is the first time I translate an acting or just a text since high school, which dates back to ... a lease, so be lenient with me. For bilingual confirmed the link of the original text at the end of this post and I count on you to tell me if I did, which does not surprise me, the big mistakes in translation ^ ^ I don
't translate word by word, however, I tried to go in the direction of text and preferred the comfort of reading, hoping that this version you like and remains in the minds of those of the author.

Fifteen years after the death of his father, Matthew Murdock heard the distinct sound of a big heavy jacket that filed through the slit in his mailbox. A minute later, his heart sank when his fingers recognized the fine writing that scrapie could only belong to Jack Murdock!

"Dear Mattie,

If you read this letter, it means that what I feared happened. I'm dead. What a strange phrase - I'm dead. I can only hope it has made naturally, but with the life I lead, I doubt it. But that's not why I write, Mattie. It's much more important.

I want you to know the truth about what happened today. I was about to do it, Mattie. There! I said. Fix ordered me to bed, until the last minute, I would obey him.

I bet you wonder what made me change my mind, is not it, Mattie? You can not make your old father. Well, I'll tell you.

You. You were the reason I did not fall.

You know we're supposed to see our whole life pass before our eyes at the moment of death? Well I gotta say that this is not true. I have not seen my life, I saw yours.

I saw you again when you were a baby, with your red hair very long for your age. You were a beautiful baby, Mattie. I do not say you have? I saw you grow. I saw you get your graduation from high school. I saw you at the university. But you know what I remember most clearly?

A split second before the referee should say "nine", I realized I saw you become a man. In every sense of the word. You're a much better man than I'll never have hoped. I'm proud of you. I can not find the words. I've never been a writer. Know only that I wanted you to be as proud of me as I am of you.

So I made my choice. It was either rig the game and stay with you, or win the battle and make you proud of me. We both know what choice I made, and although it meant that I could not be by your side longer, I knew it was the only thing to do.

I have one regret. I have not kept the promise I made you. Do not you remember, probably not, you had only three years, but I did. I promised you that I will never leave you. I only regret that I can not respect this will. God only knows how much I regret that.

I love you, Mattie. I know you're way to becoming a "lawyer from hell." Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. This is surely the last chance I give you this advice, listen well: not afraid of anything, you hear? Only a fool is afraid of the unknown. Well son! You are far from an idiot.

Now I gotta go. You, and probably fix, should expect.

Love, Dad

. "

Matt felt the letter again, he did not even realized that her tears fell heavily against the flat surface of paper. He could not speak, a thick ball swelled in the pit of his stomach . Suddenly, he felt exhausted.

He put the letter in its envelope, appeared behind a note explaining the delay in the extreme case of his father at NYPD - Apparently the department was cleaning their premises when they have fallen recently, on the record of Jack and his famous letter.
then shook his head and dried her tears. It was time to let his father go.

Dear Mattie by ComicNerd (found on

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gold In Liquid Souvenir

Foggy Nelson Among Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Episode 1 Black

In reading fanfiction parody " knights of Jesus" on the blog of Leo on the fandom Saint Seya , I I also wanted to try out a story much lighter than usual, if not delusional. That's how was born the saga Foggy Nelson in turtles ninja "crossover whose title explicitly shows the two worlds that go meet. TMNT why you tell me? You should know that basically wanted to parody the series pass on Frank Miller Daredevil and title Ronin. You know then enjoy the wink;)

the Foggy hurlub'élu

Summary of previous episodes that I was too lazy to write ( ah bin bravo starts well!):
Krang and Shredder have found a way to leave the X dimension aboard Technodrome's and join the Earth dimension. The vast army of Krang and the Foot Clan Shredder therefore about to invade New York, the first stage of their invasion plan global. Faced with this terrible news, ninja turtles are powerless, and their only hope of finding the elected which according Master Sprinter is the salvation of mankind and "mutanteté!

In a parallel Earth called "to the nearly-Marvelcomics-616-and-of-dust" (and yet it is just the diminutive name) and more specifically, in the offices of famous lawyers and associates " Nelson & Murdock & Blake & Mortimer & Co . Tonight, two old friends and colleagues are working late.

"- Damn, damn, damn and damn!
- What is there Foggy ?
- ago that I slap my Matt! Becky you and you win all your affairs, you and you're blind, she was cloistered in a wheelchair. Thanks to your disability, you win the sympathy of jurors and you bingo, you're done. Just yesterday, I managed to lose the case "Fans of Spider-Man vs. Quesada" I'm too bad, me too I must be touching the TH and Aid to Disabled Adults! (Not tax deductible)
- I see, hmm let me think it is good like old friends, can I determine the language carefully if you want, kindly offers Matt.
- And how does a silent plea to the court eh?
- Oh wait, otherwise I can always bin t'amputer an arm and make you a penguin.
- Super! I put my hand to cut it'll work! Ok go ahead with a good heart Nelson said.

Matt then grabbed a katana hanging decoration Foggy on the wall while shaking a tourniquet around his left arm he laid on the table.

- You ready? Matt asked his best friend.
- is when you want the lawyer replied boy. But suddenly
Matt did not feel well, excruciating pain in the belly tugged. He then left the room slurred some words to the camera "Do not zap the page after a small pub. What I did not want to admit the man without fear was that he had what is called roughly "the shits! Came to the bathroom, he quickly put earplugs in your ears and a large clothes peg red nose before dropping his pants and engage in a real concert trumpet.

Meanwhile, Franklin was impatient when suddenly a bright light appeared in the middle of the room leaving the man stunned. This light soon formed a vertical circle which came out four strange creatures.

"- Kowabunga! In chorus newcomers.
- What ... who are you? Asked the lawyer concerned.
- The pizza delivery boys, joked one of the mutant turtles.
- Do not disperse Raphael, the mission foremost, "said one who seemed to be the group leader.

Meanwhile, Matt Murdock pulled the flush, emptied a whole Oust spray before removing his ear plugs and clothespin, where he realized that something was something odd in the room where he had left his friend.
In the piece in question, the humanoid turtles managed to shut Foggy in a trash bag and rushed it to strike continues to struggle. Then they won the inter-dimensional portal and disappeared without a trace.

Matt opened the door violently, red nose still flattened and one hand holding his trousers that fell on his knees. Son collègue n’était plus là mais sans avoir eu le temps de pleurer sa disparition, il dû recourir très vite au cabinet de toilette.

Douze heures plus tôt

Ce matin Maître Splinter tentait du mieux que possible de délivrer son enseignement à des élèves bien dissipés. En effet, les tortues ninja n’écoutaient pas leur sensei, trop occupées à discuter entre elles du film d’action d’hier soir ou de la nouvelle pizzeria qui fait fureur en ville.
Le professeur désespéré eu soudainement une idée lumineuse en repensant à un film traitant de ses lacunes d’autorité : Esprits rebelles !
In general indifference, the mutant rat was absent for one minute before reappearing with his arm in a carton containing a delicious Margherita divided into four equal parts and miraculously win the attention of his disciples.
"- The first part to the one I quoted the prophecy of the Chosen.
- When the army of evil, will open the doors of our size
When Chaos is total, and Hope endangered
Four Brave Warriors, will bring the Chosen
of an unknown world, the savior magnified sense
He will deliver our Universe, child prodigy of Frank ... uh Ribery? Recited almost without fail one of the mutants.
- Miller Leonardo you see Ribery not underestimate our beauty! Master Splinter intervention while throwing pizza from his favorite pupil, and who are these warriors? he continued.
- We, we, we hastened to meet Michelangelo.
- Right, you want to and can tell me how you find the chosen one for the other?
- Thanks to my machine to travel to parallel worlds and my detector elected to for-savior-of-the-world that I made with parts of our fridge and our van intervention
spontaneously replied Donatello - Pfff sighed his brothers in arms.
- Great, heaving. Congratulations you're finally ready children, road and good luck! "
Raphael, vexed at not having had his share of cake or pizza if you prefer rebelled and cut the floor to his sensei.
"What about me? You have one last piece, ask me a question I have tile too! "
To avoid damage to the jealous, Master Splinter deigned to ask a riddle to the turtle starving. The rat father left a wig and false beard attached to the white color shades grisâtes and a significant length, disguise de Père Fouras quoi. Il les porta avec une fierté démesurée et lança son speech :
« Écoute attentivement petit scarabée, je ne le répéterai pas deux fois voici l’énigme :
Il est le point de départ, sans mener nulle part.
Terreur de l’écolier, surtout s’il est pointé. »
Raphael très peu sûr de lui regarda ses camarades dans l’espoir que l’un d’eux lui souffle la réponse en vain, ses frères regardaient le sol, honteux de n’avoir aucune idée sur la question. Il tenta alors le tout pour le tout. Il alla chercher un dictionnaire et énuméra un à un, page par page tous les mots qui therein. Master Splinter nodded his long head up to nab a bad stiff neck, before his dunce individual students are finally fell on the word "zero." When finally he had his share of pizza, it was all crimson but it does not bother at all. He swallowed it in one sitting.
Thus they could subsequently take them to their size that they thought was the chosen of the legend. This


The body was lying unconscious in the middle of Foggy sewers in an area that was used to strange squatters living:
" - He is the elected? Leonardo questioned unconvinced.
- I think so replied Donatello.
- Given his size, he must also love pizza Raphael amused him feeling the belly of the index.
- Okay, enough! Awaken the heart may have been the net annoyed Master Splinter. "Michelangelo
then took a megaphone and shouted suddenly at the ear of the unfortunate innocent
" Ninja Turtles, very early in no time, you
heroes who break them ... "And
other three accomplices supplementing loudly "Candy! "
The result was dramatic. Foggy woke up screaming, he screamed again realizing he was in a poorly lit, smelly and disgusting and also last time when he saw the monstrous aspect of his kidnappers and once again to ensure that it was him that came from his sharp and loud sounds also. He screamed one last time when he was certain.

"- Please, the" Green Goblin "do not eat me! begged the lawyer frightened.
- We will not eat you ... the guy reassured the creature army sai.
- Phew chuckled nervously Foggy.
- Friday c’est poisson, c’est seulement samedi la chaire humaine ria-t-elle.
Immédiatement Maître Splinter envoya un coup de bâton sur la tête de son disciple dont la blague était malvenue puis il expliqua en détail au prétendu élu la situation critique dans laquelle leur monde était plongé et la destinée que la prophétie lui réservait. Foggy fasciné l’écoutait attentivement, il se disait que ce serait génial s’il pouvait devenir un super-héros et collectionner les conquêtes tout comme Matt. Il s’imaginait déjà flirter main dans la main avec Madame Web … euh oui bon, nous ne sommes pas là pour polémiquer sur les fantasmes du jeune homme. Bref, il prit soudainement confiance en lui et clama :

« Ok ça me botte ! Alors les tafioles en carapace, c’est quand qu’on nique la gueule aux cons ?! »

To be continued…