Après que Maître Splinter ait convaincu Foggy Nelson de leur venir en aide face à la menace que représente l’armée de Krang pour leur monde, il pria ses élèves de se présenter comme il se doit à l’élu. Ses élèves s’exécutèrent en ayant à cœur de faire à leur hôte, une démonstration de leur technique de combat propre à chacun d’eux :
« - Salut, je suis Leonardo, ma couleur est blue. I am the leader of the ninja turtles and I wield the katana aya!
- Yo, Michelangelo me is, I wear orange, I love stuff yourself and have a nunchaku!
- Hello, my name Donatello, dressed all in purple, I'm the MacGyver of the band and in my spare time, I flatten my opposition with a bo!
- Finally, I am Raphael, sarcastic wish, I have a penchant for red and sai!
- Hi guys, delighted me, Foggy Nelson's lawyer. I am fond of modeling with a strong preference for models in matches and I also collect stamps with kittens on it! "In his words
short on revelation about the power of elected Master Splinter explained to him that it would be a great privilege for his followers to measure all that they saw as their messiah. Things are presented as well, Foggy could not deny his great regret.
During the fight that ensued, which lasted less than a minute in which the ninja turtles gave themselves 200%, our hapless heroes lost 3 teeth, a big toe and the temporary use of the entire right side of his body .
The wise rat mutant in kimono would not believe it. He could not bring himself to say that his children had the wrong person and that everything was now hopeless. He went to bed Foggy, the whole right side of his body cast, an eye patch on his face in agony after the beating he had just monumental to take. He brought in recovering a steaming cup of tea which the liquid was of a pinkish color uncommon.
"- Oh thank you Master of the tea that's nice of you.
- This is not the tea boy, it's mutagen.
- From what?
- A chemical that has made me and my students, what we are. I was able to recover and preserve what is in that container. Contact with this liquid would be enough to turn you into a mutant. I give everything I have, I'm sure it could help you fulfill your destiny.
- Oh, softly hairy, how it works your magic potion?
- It's written on the record, I'll read it:
"The mutagenic properties of this transformation is all living in mutant whose body comes from the DNA of the last living things with which the subject was told been in contact. "
Thus, turtles, who had been in contact with me, became turtles with humanoid characteristics and size. As for me, who lived among rats long time, but that's another story, and I became a humanoid rat.
- Oh no not that! Remove it to me right away under my nose, I ate oysters at dinner!? "
an abrupt gesture with his hand, swept the cup Foggy chemical Splinter hands. The cup fell back on the sheets already in the unfortunate mess. The two men cried out simultaneously, one of pain, scalded, the other from anger, dépité. Quand tout à coup, le drap du lit s’anima, prenant la forme qu’on connaît aux fantômes d’histoires pour enfants. La forme flotta dans les quatre coins de la chambre avant de s’arrêter devant les deux êtres qui se turent de stupéfaction. Le drap fantôme prit la parole « Bonjour, je m’appelle Latan, Charles Latan ! » avant de traverser le mûr et de disparaître pour toujours. On ne sut jamais si le nom du drap faisait allusion à la profession de Foggy ou de la prétention qu’il soit l’élu. Or, une fois le fantôme parti, nos deux héros reprirent leur cri plaintif. Foggy se faisait passer un savon mais n’y prêtait aucunement attention. It focused on the unbearable burning sensation.
Suddenly, it literally took fire! Not that he was a victim of spontaneous combustion, but it became a real human torch. He then took off, leaving its passage up the skull of the Master catch fire, it finally posting a satisfied smile in front of what looked like the manifestation of the powers of the elected! Foggy flying during this beautiful summer night in the cloudless sky of New York. The turtles were out on the surface and watch the show. To impress the crowd, our lawyer tried to draw the Fantastic 4 logo as is often Johnny Storm but from his allies was not very similar.
"- what he writes?
- I dunno, it sounds Chinese.
- it looks more like the finger right?
- Not at all, abstract art, you know nothing guys! "
After two hours, Foggy finally arose, he took human form, his new friends went home and went to bed. He was exhausted but also very excited by the new powers it had acquired, especially since he realized that the fire had purified and recovered from his injuries. Guests also went to sleep, reassured about the capabilities of their reinforcement of choice.
the morning.
Foggy Nelson woke up at 9am, with its habit of office hours. He was very hungry. So he left to join his comrades to share breakfast.
Ninja Turtles and Master Splinter were already there at the table. They already engulfed at that early hour, slice of pizza and drank, which was more circumstance, coffee. Foggy had been served but he felt himself suddenly assaulted by an odor des plus repoussantes. Il fit mine de se renifler les aisselles avant d’interroger son voisin :
« - Dit Michelangelo, qu’est ce qu’il y a sur vos pizza ?
- à ça, c’est un fromage ch’ti qui vient du nord de la France, le mariole, le mari à poile, un truc comme ça.
- Le mari à poile ? Qu’est ce que c’est que ça ? Demanda l’avocat intrigué.
- C’est du maroilles rectifia Léonardo, c’est un fromage qui schlingue un petit peu fort, tu veux goûter ?
- Non refusa vivement l’homme en rentrant sa tête en arrière.
- Tu as tord, c’est moins fort dans le goût que l’odeur explained Master Splinter. Foggy
not want to offend his hosts drop one of his very special slice of pizza, his grin was very explicit about his views.
- It's good eh? Donatello launched.
- Oh! It's as hard once inside the Foggy caught himself.
- that's why the pizza dipped in coffee, it softens added Raphael. "Foggy
felt now accepted within the team, so he decided to dress like his brothers in arms. He made two holes in his gray tie and tied it around his head. Then he cut with scissors his trousers of the same color to make them shorts and used his excess fabric to bend the knees, elbows and wrists. Donatello was even trying to make him a golden belt buckle in which he engraved the letter "F" and a wooden shell that can be worn as a backpack.
If D'Artagnan was in his time the fifth musketeer, Foggy in the same manner became the fifth ninja turtle! When he introduced himself and revamped, everyone seemed pleasantly surprised.
"- Wow is not to say you make a great turtle Michelangelo exclaimed my friend.
- I would say more "Watch this Franklin the turtle! "Raphael said sarcastically.
- All right guys, stop the turtle-rer sympathizes poor Leonardo. "
" Hi everyone! "Before the astonished eyes of a young woman appeared Foggy red-haired half-times. She wore a yellow jumpsuit and white boots and everyone here seemed familiar.
"- April Oh no, I beg you not now, you know that the situation is serious complained Leonardo.
- But who is this lovely young woman? Cut avocado seduced. I am running Foggy Nelson, but you can call me Franklin, can I do for you uh miss?
- April O'Neil, a reporter for Channel 6, that you elected? Tell me what roles do not weigh too heavily on the shoulders? How do you overcome Krang's army? You have a plan Franky uh? Assaulted she armed with a pen and a notepad that which made him the way. "
face questioning, Foggy thought back to his best friend and what happened to him when the Daily Globe divulged that Daredevil was . At the outset, he was seized with panic.
"No, no, you're wrong, I'm not elected. Objection your honor, there are procedural. I ask pardon, not me, this is Matt Murdock cunt ! My God, I do not want to be disbarred and end my days with Ryker's Carnage as cellmate! "
He ended in tears in the arms of April (the devil!) The reporter watched the ninja turtles with an air that seemed hopeless asked" Where you found this freak? And they answered with a look which was saying "We know, we know ..."
Then, suddenly, April received a blow phone. The young woman got rid of her by hitting her ball kicked in the teeth. Thus, it could respond to his call.
"" Hello ...? what? Are you sure? Yes Chief, you go right now ... Ok the guy was Burne Thompson said "my balls," my boss, it goes wrong, Krang goes on the attack, the invasion has begun, should not being dragged! "
To be continued ...