Sunday, May 18, 2008

Win 7 Drivers Presario V6000

Go, I exaggerate.

I come from a strange place. A world apart. A parallel universe is euphemistically called the Prepa . If you're brave, go ahead, but be sure you will not escape unscathed. It's unspeakable. It's unimaginable.

I survived. Hey, we survived!

I come from a world where everyone takes the Know intravenously at breakfast. You'll recognize these people, they all have a blister on his little finger, to force the user to their pen on rickety tables. They always have a dozen cartridges in advance, but they are so addicted that it will not do them the week. Their apartment is a place of learning, where every inch is covered with sheets, handouts and books of all kinds. Some have even hung math formulas on the walls of toilet

Each day they are desperate to see their schedules fill up so quickly, to see so many DS, Kohll, and revision in perspective. Their future does not exist, they just survive until the weekend, where they will finally have time to get ahead in their revisions, and be less stress next week. Foolish promise.

They have no reason to believe that life will end one day.

Yet we must keep hope, I leave myself wobbly tables contests, after two years of exile. This month, I made 22 written tests of essays, math exos shovel. Coffee, contests, sleep. And I survived. Keep hope.

No, no kidding , I still keep a great memory. Congratulations to all survivors! And good luck to those who remain .... ;-)


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