Sunday, May 18, 2008

Win 7 Drivers Presario V6000

Go, I exaggerate.

I come from a strange place. A world apart. A parallel universe is euphemistically called the Prepa . If you're brave, go ahead, but be sure you will not escape unscathed. It's unspeakable. It's unimaginable.

I survived. Hey, we survived!

I come from a world where everyone takes the Know intravenously at breakfast. You'll recognize these people, they all have a blister on his little finger, to force the user to their pen on rickety tables. They always have a dozen cartridges in advance, but they are so addicted that it will not do them the week. Their apartment is a place of learning, where every inch is covered with sheets, handouts and books of all kinds. Some have even hung math formulas on the walls of toilet

Each day they are desperate to see their schedules fill up so quickly, to see so many DS, Kohll, and revision in perspective. Their future does not exist, they just survive until the weekend, where they will finally have time to get ahead in their revisions, and be less stress next week. Foolish promise.

They have no reason to believe that life will end one day.

Yet we must keep hope, I leave myself wobbly tables contests, after two years of exile. This month, I made 22 written tests of essays, math exos shovel. Coffee, contests, sleep. And I survived. Keep hope.

No, no kidding , I still keep a great memory. Congratulations to all survivors! And good luck to those who remain .... ;-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Newborn Messages From Parents

Who is afraid of Google?


  • Corner: "I have no TV and I do not care"
Arte +7 : All emissions Arte available for 7 days: in particular, Karambolage, Metropolis, Tracks ... JT and Arte are a true window to the world that we exchange news items. But my little favorite is Arte Reportage (Saturdays at 19h). Each time, I came across the terrible, almost unspeakable. I have seen such stories really dizzy on the militia in Malaysia, the situation in Burma, the female deficit in India (it is common that women have abortions when they expect the girls, even at 8 months pregnant), or the freedom of expression in China ....

The Zapping Channel: I love this look on television and on ourselves. I think it's almost a cons-power, as the Guignols .
Fancy a little relaxation? I know a place where you find all the episodes of South Park streaming ...

  • The green corner: some sites durable
Acting 21: to calculate your ecological footprint . Note that this simple calculation may make you really sore buttocks: If everyone lived like me, you would need three planets. Almost seven to one American. Ouch.

Hooseek : it is nothing less than "supermoteur solidarity". It's basically a search engine that gives you the results that your ordinary motor, the difference is that the resources generated by the results of your search are disbursed to organizations that want to support you. And the graphics are very calm, it makes a good homepage. You're not sick of reading "Google" each time you come online? Already we are subjected to around 3,000 advertisements a day ...

Free Rice : Each correct answer gives 20 grains of rice, and you can play as much as wants. It's really nothing. Except it is not nothing, but almost nothing and almost nothing is already strictly positive . And it allows you to learn vocabulary in English (hey, prépas!).
At last count, nine hundred million people are still hungry. In 2008. I do not know if you've already seen 900 million of something, but it's really a lot. It might be time to move. Especially when we know that on average European throws a quarter of the food he buys.

Ecolo info: if ecological interests you that much, nothing like a good little toolbar for a synthesis of SD online. Programme: all the news green, sites of major associations and even a whole host of sites.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Need A Poem To Go With A Movie

road tunnel project by Hundertwasser

" Most of our problems are our own work, and we would have almost all avoided by keeping the way of life simple, uniform and solitary that we had prescribed by nature. "
Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality (1750).

Exploration reversed
France is seen by Papuan

This is a story that really marked me. A reporter happened to be friends with a tribe of Papuans, and they told him he did once remarked that it is always the whites who are traveling, and they would like, too, see the world. Then two of them were dressed in their finest feathers, and left to discover this strange tribe known as the French. But not only because through the French, the entire Western civilization they have discovered, and they were quick to comment with great relevance. You can visit the site report, or try the view from here .

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Clitoral Masterbation Steps

internet history and we

It is estimated that the Earth has increased in total almost 80 billion homo sapiens since its introduction, there are 600 000 years. However, those homo sapiens have gone very well with computers and phones. That era is over: for only ten years, humanity has become addicted, just as it had been for writing or the railway. In other words, we are the pioneers of a long lineage of Homo sapiens addicted to instant information and communications unlimited.

Jean-Michel Basquiat, Head

watching the Web in the eyes
The strongest of all, it's the Internet, in particular, is nothing. Finally, it is a great space of nothing on the order of infinity. The web page is the first resource that is truly inexhaustible. And when we dive into this virtual life (which is nonetheless part of our reality ), it is as if we reached the top step of rationality: while the body is inert, the mind travel at the speed of the light, or rather of electricity: it can have access to all of humanity's knowledge accumulated. This is the new best of all possible worlds.