Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How Long To Boil Sausage

And yet it moves! by Jenny ...
Our beautiful world has managed, with strength and determination method to eradicate or swallow anything that was human poetry. Phagocytosis, because the sum of the actions of homo sapiens managed to integrate into reports merchants everything that could give meaning to our lives. The quest for spirituality is often pays dear enough now, and we could calculate the optimum of the consumer from its preference between a yoga class and a kilo of bread.
The result? We are supposedly homo sapiens sapiens with this connotation that evolves between "reason" and "wisdom". Wisdom, do not talk, it seems we have totally forgotten to take into account since Ancient Greece (philosopher, in Greek: "one who loves wisdom.") As for the reason, she commuted to a bland rationality has little to offer more than the strict efficiency (how to pay bills, get to work on time, efficiently use RTT) at the expense of poetry. The quantitative efficiency
dealt a blow as the well-being (A concept that must remain vague to avoid falling into dogmatism) that the individual (in-divisible) is considered only as a consumer or worker, and in this new definition, partial, meaningless s' vanishes. It seems that the quest for spirituality can not get more authentic results in the world, if not in love (in the broadest sense: a wish, absolutely, the happiness of a person) or by itself itself. Look in his head by trying to combine needs and desires, it seems to me that there is early primitive sense of a world where progress is not absolutely necessary because you can not deny that can lead straight into the wall.
There is a vast debate, so many problems that confront, my little brain like yours are being knocked to the complexity impossible to synthesize. In this connection, it should pay tribute to Edgar Morin, a man of wisdom that I have some food for thought I just throw you so hard to figure.


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