Thursday, November 1, 2007

Plaid Clear Acrylic Sealer Ingredients

Jean-Michel Basquiat (Untitled?)

In this world, I saw ...

I've seen vigils assert myself in a shopping center , I was not allowed to return to their store with a receipt on me. I saw three policemen and two soldiers inflict a ticket for " violation of the prohibition of smoking in a public place" in the open air, and where there was absolutely nobody. I seen other cops quietly roasting a cigarette on a subway platform.
I've seen high school doors closed at 8 pm sharp and reopening at 8:20, allowing students who have arrived just after the ringing of the acknowledge a delay of twenty minutes. I saw pieces prohibit college students leave by the nearest door, forcing them to go up and down two floors, schoolbag on his back. I saw a security guard at a train station by a crisis nerves to the gentleman who had deposited the suitcase in front of the queue to retrieve it at the very end, as he passed in front. " it must do the trick, too?" Yep. I saw cops to fine two friends who quietly sipping a beer in a park with the best view of Lyon. I saw thousands of lighted windows to three hours morning, while the average consumer has lowered the heat a notch to save his planet.
I saw in Germany where hundreds of posters that read: " defense display.
And I saw in all these situations and many others, people shrugged their shoulders and said "what do you want? c 'is like that!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fastest Shutter Speed On Point And Shoot Camera

I would have liked, in this corner of a canvas, you invent a world. To provide a cocoon in which life escapes in all directions, where you can jump over his shadow and extend to infinity. A gap of this twilight dream where desire of contemplation would never do frustrated by straight lines and closed the convention, where one would feel the wonder of this statement: "I".
But this gift of the creator, fingers mixed with clay ideas, can never be accessed if a mini brain, the absurd is not ready to leave the scene. And I have a good rag to share with you.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Minnetonka Moccasin Company Dealers

- Friendensreich Hundertwasser -
Tyranny of architecture - the path to socialism (1982)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ferris Bueller Leapord Print Vest

Brain, tired of waiting for Godot.
spin through the streets, say hello okay.
are defined in figures. Se
rarely ask if they exist. To know
doomed to be trapped in the center of themselves.
dog droppings on the pavement, noise upstairs neighbor, the American films in black and white, Chinese, economists, intellectuals, worries, Arabs, queers, women, humanity and themselves.
fact that their dog droppings on the sidewalk, the contradiction, the adventure, stay at home, the sound of money at the end of the month, enjoy, laugh, beer, jumping for joy, being right, love , shudder, music, know, make love, enjoy, look and live.

Damn brains, pressurized, pasteurized, packaged under vacuum and feelings, I love you so much ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

After Brush Toothbrush Cleanser

Egon Schiele - Four Trees, 1917

the Present beautiful trees in these four unfortunate necklines green roses melancholy.

For once, the gossip fold lids heavy as the sky.
contemplation for single action, the denial
for mere existence. Faith
next to one inescapable desire.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

38.25 X 11.25 Jigsaw Puzzle Frame


My roommate and his little magic cat.
From his crooked fingers atom, it attracts me shamelessly to the bed of azure. The dream of a cat feline world, the devil laughs. When I turned back, he comes to snuggle up against her warm between two ribs. And at night, I join them on the Web.

Dear enchanting disenchanted
magical merlin, soft
that the world I sting you!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Can A 14 Year Old Wendy

Do we know what we always do? The unconscious does it affect us? Buy, is it acting? Act by mutual agreement, "Obviously!" What is globalization? Are we responsible for what we know? There's there a revival of protectionism? Should we fear the globalization of business? How is it the consumer's choice? The effectiveness evidence does the value of a share? Can development be sustainable? * And the selective pairings?

Seriously, who ask these questions?

* incidentally, I: Topics in SD or glue

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How Long To Boil Sausage

And yet it moves! by Jenny ...
Our beautiful world has managed, with strength and determination method to eradicate or swallow anything that was human poetry. Phagocytosis, because the sum of the actions of homo sapiens managed to integrate into reports merchants everything that could give meaning to our lives. The quest for spirituality is often pays dear enough now, and we could calculate the optimum of the consumer from its preference between a yoga class and a kilo of bread.
The result? We are supposedly homo sapiens sapiens with this connotation that evolves between "reason" and "wisdom". Wisdom, do not talk, it seems we have totally forgotten to take into account since Ancient Greece (philosopher, in Greek: "one who loves wisdom.") As for the reason, she commuted to a bland rationality has little to offer more than the strict efficiency (how to pay bills, get to work on time, efficiently use RTT) at the expense of poetry. The quantitative efficiency
dealt a blow as the well-being (A concept that must remain vague to avoid falling into dogmatism) that the individual (in-divisible) is considered only as a consumer or worker, and in this new definition, partial, meaningless s' vanishes. It seems that the quest for spirituality can not get more authentic results in the world, if not in love (in the broadest sense: a wish, absolutely, the happiness of a person) or by itself itself. Look in his head by trying to combine needs and desires, it seems to me that there is early primitive sense of a world where progress is not absolutely necessary because you can not deny that can lead straight into the wall.
There is a vast debate, so many problems that confront, my little brain like yours are being knocked to the complexity impossible to synthesize. In this connection, it should pay tribute to Edgar Morin, a man of wisdom that I have some food for thought I just throw you so hard to figure.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Cross Ocean Motorboats

In the heart of Vienna (Austria), it falls on the Hundertwasser-Haus (after still looking for a while). Welcome to the palate of color and order destroyed, exit the straight line and the gray banality. This work of art-HLM required by the gaiety of its facades, the greenery that seems to hide from the famous little nooks on each floor. Already, before the building, the floor is wavy, mosaics are already set. We admire him from afar, saying that anyway, for a housing project, it throws ..
- Do you think we can go?
No, we did not believe neither one nor the other at the entrance, a charming panel warned the tourists it was nice not bother to return home, he was a building, not a museum, but no! He had to believe it a bit to push the door ... which was not closed properly! You climb the stairs, passing a column of "pearls" (typically Hundertwasser), the walls are covered with mosaics. And in fact, every floor we discover a new world, small corners, spaces, children's drawings on the walls, the surrounding greenery that stretches over the covers on small gardens. Mass production, Hundertwasser do not know. No two identical doorknobs, a complex, never right a ground undulates ... This building also has the vocation to be green (les plantes filtrent une partie des eaux usées... et l'air vicié bien sûr).
Les concepteurs de nos HLM feraient bien de s'inspirer de ce petit coin de paradis ... Nos murs qui s'élèvent sévèrement n'ont-ils pas droit à une véritable identité? Pourquoi persiste-t-on à vivre dans un monde grisâtre et "opiniâtrement clos" ? Quel est le triste con qui m'a pondu _ça_ ?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mario With Yoshi Games Online

Dans les contes de fées modernes, il y a aussi des centrales nucléaires.

It reminds me a fabulous storyteller speaking almost in these words when talking about stories, one imagines the stories of dragons, princesses, castles ... But the tale he can not fit into our daily lives? Our lives for us, our era is so poor that it would not be entitled to be told?
Then she recited: the world is a circle. Yep, the world is not square. But then, you knew that already ... unless ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Manualshark Euro-pro Model 384

I m name is ________, I
___ years, I have ______. I _ brothers, sisters _, _ TVs and an apartment in _ème floor. I'm randomly the woman or man as the other pre-filled and dissonant. Am I really me, or just an ego? I cars _, _ children, I earn ____ euros per month. I'm All what I . Jobtiens what I want and fuck you All .