New Marvel Daredevil: integrals 1983 (II) This article is actually a plea for a fourth book devoted to integrals of Daredevil.
can be seen that the debate is long overdue. Daredevil has three volumes of the "integrals" and Panini does not intend to leave the other. That said, I wanted to explain why I think, an additional volume would have to finish what had begun with the first run Panini Frank Miller.
period concerned
The Fundamentals dedicated to our head of cattle had a duty to discover or rediscover the great work of Frank Miller on the title. But what is annoying is that just all editions of the titles "the fearless Daredevil, Volume 1, therefore, relate the episodes of the author. We saw it again recently with the release of the Daredevil Omnibus containing among others the monument was expected as "Born Again". However, leaving the series to come back then to concoct the arc cited, Miller left a few outstanding issues, including the return of Bullseye. Denny O'Neil and Klaus Janson are major artists who have the tough task of succeeding Miller never match it. But I want to show a fourth volume containing the following line of the episode "Roulette" would have been welcome.
I present you the summary commented but this new fictitious (that's just become my specialty!) Daredevil: The Fundamentals II 1983!
note, there are spoilers in this article excavator for episodes # 192 to 201 (numbering American) Daredevil but also on the old stories and have virtually no chance of being re-released is it really important? Anyway you have been warned!
(Alan Brennert / Klaus Janson)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 192
Mars 1983
Un épisode plutôt intimiste au centre du couple Urich. Doris ne supportant que trop mal les longues absences de sont mari de journaliste voudrait vivre dans une maison plus décente. Un rêve accessible au prix de l’intégrité professionnelle. Dans cette volonté avant-gardiste de briser les codes manichéens, Brennert va faire réaliser à Daredevil et son ami Ben Urich que leurs codes moraux sont aussi infaillibles que ceux dont ils s’efforcent à combattre. Jouissif ! The author has also managed to use the super-developed sense of DD wisely during an infiltration into a private super secure. An adventure that pushes the thinking conducted masterfully by the author.
The Revenge Bitsy Bitsy's revenge
(Larry Hama / Klaus Janson)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 193
April 1983
the middle of his round night watchman discovers Daredevil armory of agonized. Missile dragons have been stolen. The last words are unhappy for Bitsy, affectionate name donné à son calibre 45 qui lui a été retiré par son agresseur mais il faudra attendre la toute dernière page pour connaître son histoire (de l’arme hein pas du voleur). Voilà donc Matt Murdock et son alter ego qui embarque sur un bateau en partance pour le Havre pour mener l’enquête.
Mine de rien, j’ai beaucoup aimé. Seulement 21 pages et l’auteur se permet de nous mener sur une mauvaise piste. Notre héros aura également des problèmes de sens radar à régler. Et il faut dire aussi que l’ambiance « croisière » légère, nous change un peu des rues sombres de Hell’s Kitchen bref un épisode au scénario bien ficelé qui y win to be reissued.
The Judgement Judgement
(Dennis O'Neil / Klaus Janson)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 194
May 1983
An old man in the long history of rogue uses lawyer Matt Murdock. He expects him to defend his cause with the sectarian community that fled in his youth 70 years ago. A case where the Kingpin will make a point of honor to play the spoiler. A first test series for O'Neil rather mixed. Yet the context of the sect in medieval ideas and The plea set up by it to execute their sentences are good ideas. Most disturbing to me is the ending. In fact, I do not really understand the morality that is supposed to hide behind such a purpose, much less lax opposes Daredevil face it. Dispensable.
Betrayal Betrayal (Dennis O'Neil / Klaus Janson)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 195
June 1983
You thought Karen Page was the first girlfriend of Daredevil that has spilled the beans on his secret identity? Think again because this episode tells us that Heather Glenn, chilling with Matt over the facts, had imitated some numbers before. But unlike Karen, Heather and her confession was drunk at the mayor's adviser attached to the police will have no dramatic consequence on the life of Matt. But it is reasonable to wonder if Miller was not inspired to write this adventure Born Again. One can also note the appearance of a stealth Tony neatly trimmed mustache! Synopsis, a murderous gang of criminals released because of faulty drafting, defect obtained by lawyers Nelson & Murdock ... And this is where the bottom lies, our famous Lawyers accustomed us to be more selective vis-à-vis their clients and not defending as honest as it were the victims. O'Neil decidedly clumsy, but nonetheless determined since it is this element that is its history. Not bad though.
Enemies Enemies ...
(Dennis O'Neil / Klaus Janson)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 196
July 1983
With a guest Wolverine (Wolverine for the old-old) O'Neil goes on to serious matters. Men Bullseye armed kidnapping of his hospital room. The sponsor wants to give it up by wearing his adamantium skeleton. This mysterious Japanese masked request assistance Kingpin to leave the country. Of course men capable of handling the precious metal will be of interest Logan and the X-Man will join forces with DD to find all these beautiful people. An alliance of heroes completely opposite that works pretty well. There is even an appearance of two great terrors of Hell's Kitchen: Turk and Grotto who conspire to bar Josie. The author also takes the opportunity to enter the frame on the identity discovery by Councillor the mayor. Excellent!
Journey ... Journey (Dennis O'Neil / William Johnson, Klaus Janson / Mike Mignola, Larry Hama)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 197
August 1983
Matt jumps on a flight to Japan to find that the surgery before Bullseye. Yuriko he meets a young Asian man who seems to know a lot and who will guide him in the land of the rising sun. The author or should I say the authors of the funds raised after the first stones of the plot, we learn the kidnapper is called Black Wind but it remains unsatisfied and is expected mostly read more. We therefore introduces this episode a psychic bond between our two traditional enemies, an idea which is poorly operated and never hear talk after this arc.
A touch of tenderness! Touch of a stranger (Dennis O'Neil / William Johnson / Dan Bulanadi)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 198
September 1983
Yuriko DD and continue their journey towards the island recovers from Bullseye its operation. Matt discovers that its companion is the daughter of Black Wind. It denies attract our hero into a trap. She wants to convince the man she loves to do more work on behalf of his father. Surprisingly, the end of O'Neil suggested that strongly disagrees with this fact and is poorly supplied by me. Decidedly I can not understand O'Neil.
The daughter of the wind ... Daughter of a Dark Wind
(Dennis O'Neil / William Johnson / Dan Bulanadi)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 199
October 1983
Daredevil and Yuriko face Black Wind and his men. Black Wind load Bullseye mission in the U.S., but last will betray his benefactor. This is the denouement of the episode in Japan. A small happy ending that sees Yuriko and meet the man she loves but for DD hunt gunman continues.
NB: Yuriko later became the future Lady Deathstrike, nemesis of Wolverine and the X-Men. I wonder if DD has already met as a villain and if he acknowledged, if anyone knows ...
Redemption Redemption (Dennis O'Neil / William Johnson / Dan Bulanadi)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 200
November 1983
back in New York, will see the Kingpin to ask for work. For lack of originality, the latter asked him to remove Daredevil. To mark this long-awaited confrontation, O'Neil met in this episode a lot of people in the entourage of our red devil. Thus, the black widow, Turk and Grotto and Foggy Nelson, who has grown a mustache for the part. Daredevil a plastered arm and decreased that is not unlike that of Miller's run. It is also regrettable that the author does not use in the duel between Lester and Matt's new strength / stamina for it. By cons, interestingly O’Neil nous replonge dans un passé lointain de Matt enfant, où il revoit son père faire un combat de… catch avec un habit de… diable ! Et pour une fois, j’adhère totalement à la philosophie que donne O’Neil à notre héros. Un dénouement non dépourvu de qualités.
A vue de nez !
The day the devil don’t care
(Dennis O’Neil / William Johnson / Dan Bulanadi)
Daredevil (vol. 1) 201
Décembre 1983
Quelqu‘un en veut à la vie de Foggy Nelson, les frères Binion et leur associé Benedict Closet sont les trois principaux suspects. Daredevil aidé par la veuve noire mènent l’enquête. Depuis le coup du pacemaker de Miller, rien ne pouvait venir à bout du détecteur de mensonge naturel de DD. Sauf que les frangins Binion ont tous les deux une malformation congénitale du cœur. Et là je dis bien vu O’Neil et il faudra à Daredevil utiliser toute l’étendue de ses pouvoirs et sa matière grise pour résoudre cette affaire et sauver la vie de son ami. On a aussi l’apparition d’un bandit qui ressemble beaucoup à Turk mais dont le nom n’a jamais été prononcé. Une histoire sympathique à lire.
Ultimately, this fourth volume integrals Daredevil contains episodes of good bills, and arc very instructive that teaches us how Bullseye has earned his adamantium skeleton. Otherwise he would now never part of the Dark Avengers to cite a news. An integral which suffers from some inconsistencies O'Neil designs and enough means Janson, including shots at the time, it has some difficulties to represent the dogs. Ten episodes have to be good grouped in the same collection despite the absence of Mr. Miller.